Random Notes

And I’m now craving mock duck. And my all-time favorite food, xiao long bao. How to get a new group of students comfortable talking in the classroom? One idea: have the students each assemble a group of images that represents themselves and their interests. Have them post them to the ‘net and then introduce them […]

“A Construction Engineer’s Thoughts on the Sichuan Earthquake” blog post by “Book Blade” – link [accessed 31 March 2013] Nanking Massacre Project – Special Collections, Yale Divinity School Library – http://www.library.yale.edu/div/Nanking/ Ai Weiwei on Twitter (Chinese): @aiww    (English): @aiwwenglish “Who’s Afraid of Ai WeiWei” — Frontline documentary (PBS) Fan Xiao, “Did the Zipingpu Dam Trigger […]

In work for the Domain of One’s Own project this past weekend, I’ve read chapters 6-8 of Martin Weller’s The Digital Scholar while also thinking about recent conversations. These have run a gamut of issues related to openness vs. pressures of the P&T and publication climb for academics as well as differences in opportunity (or freedom) determined […]

Recently we’ve seen the emergence of serial programs created for online video sites in China (e.g. Youku, Tudou, and as we’ve seen with Youtube, etc.).  Often sponsored by major corporations, including Apple and General Motors, among others, they’ve served as popular entertainment and, not surprisingly, a venue for product placement. Several of these internet shows have also begun to […]
